Today, Solo Server is changed to Minecraft 1.18!
We do NOT created a new 1.18 world, because there are few changes in shapes of overworlds.
Thus the latest world is still 1.17, but underground of every worlds will expand, so you can enjoy 1.18 things.
(max height is set to y=320)
If you are in 1.16, please read below. (it is same as a before news)
For moving to 1.17 player
- Items you have or in your enderchest can be held.
- You CANNOT take over your buildings in 1.16 world.
- You CANNOT return to 1.16 world.
- Some information such as your home location will be reseted.
- If you join a team, you will be no longer its member.
For staying in 1.16
- World structure of it is 1.16, but its game system is 1.17.
To go 1.17, type below commands
/reteleport confirm